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“Take Charge of Your Life!” Workshop (TCYL)

2013-26 TCYL WDH-0404

“A dream is just a dream.
A vision is a dream with a plan.
A goal is a dream with a plan and a deadline.”

Make sure you don’t just dream your life away! Learn to clearly envision what you want to achieve, and then formulate goals and plans that will take you there.


Are you facing – or feeling the need for – change and improvement in your life? Are you, for example:

    • considering starting a business, or
    • needing to make decisions about “what comes next”, for example as a learner, student, empty-nester, or in your work?

Or are you simply less than satisfied with the way your life is proceeding? The Take Charge of Your Life!(TCYL) workshop will help you “take charge” of your life. In it, you will learn important skills and tools that will enable you to lead a more pro-active, visionary, creative and responsible life. (In J2Ex, we call this an “enterprising” life.) You will begin developing – or you will strengthen – a growth-oriented mindset. You will turn your dreams into a clear vision and begin formulating goals and action plans that will take you toward it. If you’re considering a big, life-changing project, the workshop will support your decision-making and give you a toolbox that will be invaluable in the developmental process.

In the workshop, you will

    • Envision the future you want to see, and formulate your aspirations and dreams into your personal vision,
    • consider what you are doing, & what you could be doing, to make that vision reality,
    • examine the moral and ethical framework within which you (want to) live and work,
    • reflect on the needs, wants and expectations of your stakeholders, and how you can best balance them in your life,
    • identify factors critical to your success,
    • formulate concrete goals,
    • develop strategies and action plans to achieve them.

How to prepare

    • Envision the future you want for yourself and your family.  What will you do to make it reality?
    • Consider your own personal vision, mission and values
    • Research and bring information about trends and developments in your areas of interest
    • Know what your competition is up to!
    • Bring along a pencil, sharpener and rubber
    • Dress comfortably

Workshop flyer

Get the generic workshop flyer here: TCYL info Sheets GENERIC May 2014

Case studies

Are you still asking yourself if it is really worth your time? Click here (pdf) and read what earlier workshop participants have to say about their experiences—in their own words.


A special Take Charge of Your Life! program for youth – about 16-25 – is being offered to help young people navigate the many challenges and decisions they face when considering their future.


A special Take Charge of Your Life! program for young children was developed and is being offered in French and Malagasy in Antananarivo, Madagascar. See: this video on the J2Ex YouTube Channel.